Shilin Liu

Executive Director of Partnerships and Credential Programs


Shilin Liu is the Executive Director of Partnerships and Credential Programs at the Harris School of Public Policy, where she focuses on recruiting international students to join the Harris community, building international partnerships and expanding executive programs to domestic and international markets. She develops programs and partnerships that help Harris better recruit diverse international students and young professionals to attend degree or non-degree programs (e.g., the Data and Policy Summer Scholar Program). These efforts involve lots of coffee chats, calls, emails, webinars, and international travel to meet prospective students and help them navigate the application process.

Shilin started her career in China as a management trainee at Mars, a global food company. There she had multiple corporate roles, ranging from marketing, production, and Human Resources. In the United States, she has worked at Save the Children in Washington, DC, as a consultant for a global youth employment program.

Shilin has a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Fudan University in China and an MPP degree from the Harris School of Public Policy.

“I love contributing to our vibrant community and helping more students (especially international students) to explore Harris and Chicago. I especially love the small, family feel of Harris and the ways in which people support each other and learn and grow with each other—from students to faculty to staff.

Get to Know Shilin

What policy issue matters most to you?

Education. I think that education is a way for individuals to break external barriers. It’s a fundamental way that people can change their lives. I’m interested in the relationship between education and social mobility and stratification. And not just formal education, but also the continual development of one’s self.

Who do you admire?

Generally, I admire any person who pursues their goals.

What’s on your bucket list?

Many things, but definitely skydiving because it’s a whole different experience from living on the ground.

Ask Shilin About:

  • Harris student organizations and activities

  • Youth empowerment programs in global countries

  • Networking with the international background