Mirela Munteanu

Mirela Munteanu reports to the Chief Operating Officer and acts as the top financial adviser to the COO and Dean. She is responsible for directing the financial, accounting, procurement and payments, and research administration functions for the Harris School and affiliated Centers. Mirela oversees the preparation and submission of annual budget and monthly forecasts to the budget office.
Mirela joined the University of Chicago in 1996 as Project Assistant for the Booth School (former GSB) Accounting and Budget Office. Prior to joining Harris (in 2001), Mirela was an assistant director, responsible for executing day-to-day financial transactions initiated by faculty and staff. She performed postaudit functions for nonsalary disbursements and coordinated with central administration to release payments. Mirela maintained a comprehensive database for fixed assets and property insurance, prepared asset management reports, and billing and journal vouchers for insurance premiums.
Mirela holds BA from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies in Romania and an MS in accounting from Northeastern Illinois University.