Thursdays in Keller 0001


Past Presenters

Oct 5

Ruochen Yi, Political structure and Balance of power, evidence from mid-level officials' promotion in China

Oct 12

Angela Wyse, Saved by Medicaid: New Evidence on Health Insurance and Mortality from the Universe of Low-Income Adults

Nov 9

Mythili Vinnakota, Levees: Infrastructure and Insurance as Adaptation to Flood Risk

Nov 30

Wendy Wong, Optimal Monitoring and Bureaucrat Adjustments

Dec 7

Elena Ziege, Educational Spillovers: The Effect of Birthright Citizenship on Siblings' Education

Jan 11

Maya Lozinski, Knowledge Growth and Specialization

Jan 18

Steve Kim, Industrial Policy: When Does It Work?

Jan 18

Gina Eckhoff, Putting Simplicity Back into New Economic Geography

Jan 25

Ari Anisfeld, "Remind me to go to back to college": The impact of government communications on FAFSA renewal and re-enrollment

Jan 25

Predrag Pandiloski, Social Learning in Diverse Societies

Feb 1

Daniel Sonnenstuhl, The Causes and Implications of the Pentecostal Movement: Evidence from Nigeria

Feb 8

José Miguel Pascual Moreno, Bargaining at the Firm

Feb 15

Danielle Nemschoff, Family Bonds and Recidivism

Feb 22

Goya Razavi Ebrahimi, Who Benefits From Free Colleges?

Feb 29

Haoran Gao, Competition, Market, Supply Chain, and (Dis)engagement: Determinants and Consequences of American Business Community's Lobbying on US-China Engagement

Mar 7

Claire Fan, Dam thy neighbor: Spillovers and coordination on transboundary rivers

Mar 21

Emileigh Harrison, Separation of Church and State Curricula? Examining Public and Religious Private School Textbooks

Mar 21

Rohen Shah, When The Student Becomes the Master: Learning by Creating Math Tutoring Videos

Mar 28

Kisoo Kim, Lame Duck by Primary: Effects of Electoral Incentives on U.S. House Representatives

Mar 28

Keisuke Ito, Is the Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies Too Fast and Too Much?: Evidence from Solar Systems

Apr 4

Rubina Hundal, From Learning to Earning: Effects of Financial Literacy, Career Information, and Social Learning on Youth Wage Preferences

Apr 11

Alison Doxey, How Much Do Cash Transfers Compensate Children for the Loss of a Father? Evidence from Mining Accidents and Workers' Compensation

Apr 11

Nathan Ausubel, A National Study of the Effect of School Quality on Housing Prices

Apr 18

Smriti Ganapathi, Policing Intimate Partner Violence: Curbing Abuse or Shifting it?

Apr 18

Michael McKelligott, Household Hygienic Infrastructure and Infectious Disease Mortality: Evidence from the 'New Public Health' and the Spanish Flu

Apr 25

Felicity Zhang, Social Learning among Physicians

Apr 25

Peizan Sheng, Sensitivity of Formula Instruments to Shock Design

May 2

Brian Curran, Misleading Estimates from Nonlinear Models with a Binary Outcome

May 2

Matt Stadnicki, What Effect Does the Child Tax Credit Have on College Attendance? Evidence from IRS Tax Data

May 9

Neila Kerkebane, The Legacy of Slavery in Eastern Nigeria: The Impact of Being a Descendent of Ohu, Enslaved People on Socioeconomic Mobility

May 9

Sofia Gallo, Informal Markets for Medicine

May 16

Oskar Houck, Learning about Heterogeneous Heat Sensitivity in the Corn Belt

May 16

Daisy Lu, Effect of Dental Coverage Expansion on ER Dental Emergencies

May 23

Sushant Banjara, On the Benefits of Protected Area Designation

May 23

Lucas Mation, Determinants for mobility in Brazil

A photo of Steven Durlauf

Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor

Steven Durlauf

Steven Durlauf’s research spans many topics in microeconomics and macroeconomics. His most important substantive contributions involve the areas of poverty, inequality and economic growth.