5486 total results

Harris Public Policy Releases 2018 Career Outcomes Report

Outcomes data demonstrates the versatility of a public policy degree across public, private, and nonprofit sectors.

China Career Webinar

Lunch 'n Learn: Public Sector Budgeting with Melanie Shaker

Bridget Burns, MPP'19

Incoming Student Profile: Bridget Burns, Class of 2019

She’s earning an MA in Public Policy at Harris to help her work toward a safer and more peaceful world.
Laurel Harnett, Class of 2019

Student Spotlight: Laurel Harnett, Class of 2019

At Harris Public Policy, Harnett is earning her academic credentials, building her network, and gaining real-time experience doing work she loves.

Why Gridlock Rules Washington and How We Can Solve the Crisis

Andrés Nigenda Zárate, Class of 2020

Incoming Student Profile: Andrés Nigenda Zárate

Zárate, Class of 2020, is pursuing an MS-CAPP degree at Harris Public Policy that combines two disciplines –computer science and public policy.

Google Workshop Hones Students’ Data Visualization Skills

As part of the Harris Mentor program, 35 students interested in data analytics recently attended a Data Visualization Workshop at Google’s offices in downtown Chicago. 
Welcome To Harris Chalkboard

Four Harris School of Public Policy Myths: Debunked

Check out four common myths at Harris Public Policy, debunked by current student, Laurel Harnett.
Bruce Meyer

Professor Bruce D. Meyer Discusses Dramatic Effects of National Anti-Poverty Programs

Professor Bruce D. Meyer and a coauthor used administrative statistics from six major antipoverty programs to demonstrate that five of the six "sharply reduce deep poverty" and the sixth has a "pronounced" impact among the working poor.
Koichiro Ito

Professor Koichiro Ito Discusses Dynamic Pricing vs. Moral Persuasion in Changing Habits

A new study from the University of Chicago concluded that “dynamic” pricing is more effective than moral persuasion on its own for changing customer behaviors in the long run.