Leave of Absence Leaves of Absence Leaves of absence can be requested by and granted to students in the Ph.D. program subject to the conditions and procedures described below. Note, however, that such leaves do not extend a doctoral student’s eligibility for full-time student status beyond the total of twelve years from entry into the Ph.D. program. Students entering the Ph.D. program in 2016-17 and beyond will be subject to a University-wide 9-year limit on registration. Students who entered a Ph.D. program prior to summer 2016 will continue to be allowed to register for up to 12 years from matriculation. While on leave, students do not receive fellowship stipend funding, but an external funder may choose to still disburse a stipend. Three types of leave of absence are available to students in the Ph.D. program. A student who has completed three or fewer years in this status may apply to the DGS and the Program Director for a leave of absence of up to four academic quarters. Upon returning from such a leave, the student will be required to register until the requirement of four years of registration in that status has been fulfilled. A student may apply for a leave of absence only if temporarily incapacitated by major illness or injury. Applications for such a leave must be endorsed by the DGS and Dean of Students Office. A student may take such a medical leave of absence for no more than four academic quarters. A student who becomes a parent during his or her doctoral program may request a one-quarter Parental Relief Leave of Absence to care for the new child, and pregnant students for whom it is medically necessary, may request a Parental Relief Leave of Absence during pregnancy. Such leaves may be granted by the Dean of Students Office of the student’s school or division. Students are still eligible for University benefits during a Parental Leave of Absence. https://studentmanual.uchicago.edu/university-policies/graduate-student-parent-policy/