Ryan Kellogg Ralph and Mary Otis Isham Professor, and Deputy Dean Contact Email Ryan Kellogg Follow on X Visit Professional Website Personal website Personal Website About Ryan Kellogg is the Ralph and Mary Otis Isham Professor and the Deputy Dean for Academic Programs at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy. He is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau for Economic Research. Kellogg's research examines energy and environmental economics and policy, often with a focus on energy markets and firms' behavior. Much of his work studies how markets and public policies affect energy supply and its environmental impacts, using insights and methods from industrial organization. Kellogg teaches introductory microeconomics for public policy, with courses tailored to undergraduate policy majors and to professional evening masters students. He also teaches a course in energy and environmental economics for PhD students. Kellogg earned a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2008. Prior to his graduate studies, he worked for BP in Houston, TX, and Anchorage, AK, for four years as an engineer and economic analyst. Ryan earned a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and a B.A. in Economics from Rice University in 1999. He grew up outside of Cleveland, OH. Selected publications Herrnstadt, Evan, Ryan Kellogg, and Eric Lewis (forthcoming), "Drilling Deadlines and Oil and Gas Development", Econometrica. Borenstein, Severin and Ryan Kellogg (2022), "Carbon Pricing, Clean Electricity Standards, and Clean Electricity Subsidies on the Path to Zero Emissions”, Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy. Kellogg, Ryan and Mar Reguant (2021), "Energy and Environmental Markets, Industrial Organization, and Regulation", in Handbook of Industrial Organization, volume 5. Borenstein, Severin and Ryan Kellogg (2021), "Challenges of a Clean Energy Transition and Implications for Energy Infrastructure Policy", in Rebuilding the Post-Pandemic Economy. Anderson, Soren T., Ryan Kellogg, and Stephen W. Salant (2018), “Hotelling Under Pressure”, Journal of Political Economy. Kellogg, Ryan (2018), “Gasoline Price Uncertainty and the Design of Fuel Economy Standards”, Journal of Public Economics. Hausman, Catherine and Ryan Kellogg (2015), “Welfare and Distributional Implications of Shale Gas”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Kellogg, Ryan (2014), “The Effect of Uncertainty on Investment: Evidence from Texas Oil Drilling”, American Economic Review. Kellogg, Ryan (2011), “Learning by Drilling: Inter-Firm Learning and Relationship Persistence in the Texas Oilpatch”, Quarterly Journal of Economics. Auffhammer, Maximilian and Ryan Kellogg (2011), “Clearing the Air? The Effects of Gasoline Content Regulation on Air Quality”, American Economic Review.
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