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Credential program applications are open! The first round deadline is January 14, 2025
Through healthy discourse and fellowship, we hope to enhance our mutual understanding and allow ourselves to think differently about how to impact the world beyond Harris.
Diversity Week at Harris underscores our commitment to ensuring diversity and inclusion in the classroom, in the community, and beyond. All Harris students and community members are encouraged to attend this groundbreaking series of events.
Monday, April 24 | 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Keller Center Commons Area
Join us as we kick off Diversity Week right with this student-alum meet and mingle! This social event is an organic space to connect with recent and past alum, enjoy delicious refreshments, and build up your social and professional network!
Register for the ARD Diversity Kick-Off Mixer
Monday, April 24 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Join The Organization of Black Students and Harris School of Public Policy for the 2023 George E. Kent lecture featuring Kevin D. Richardson, Member of the Exonerated 5. Along with Samantha Taylor and Cyrah Gayle, Co-Political Chairs of the Organization of Black Students, Richardson will be discussing his advocacy for criminal justice reform and how he uses his personal experience with false coercions and unjust convictions to bring about change.
Register for When They See Us
Tuesday, April 25 | 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Keller Center Sky Suite
How does the academy impact identity development in graduate school? Is cultural assimilation necessary to achieve as a professor? How does one preserve selfhood in academic institutions? Join us as we interrogate these questions and more during of panel of dynamic UChicago faculty.
Register for Identity & Institution
Wednesday, April 26 | 12:00pm - 1:30pm Participants will meet alumni and employers from a range of sectors to gain valuable insights into different industries. The event will feature two 25-minute breakout room sessions, where attendees can hear from employers in two different industries or engage in an in-depth discussion with those from one particular industry.
This event is the second of two events WiPP will be hosting in partnership with the CDO.
Learn more about the Harris Networking Event
Wednesday, April 26 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Keller Center Forum Come experience the words of Rosa Alicia Clemente—a nationally-acclaimed, award-winning organizer, journalist, scholar-activist, and producer—as she speaks truth to power in this dynamic presentation on how radical organizing transforms to progressive policy making.
Register for From Moments to Movements in Policy
Thursday, April 27 | 10:00am - 1:00pm
This event hopes to embody Harris’ commitment to local civic engagement by creating space for students to learn about—and get involved with– community-based organizations that are doing social justice and equity work throughout the Chicagoland area.
Register for the Chicago Community Organizations Fair
Thursday, April 27 | 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Keller Center Room 0021
Building strategic partnerships that are inclusive of various people is easier said than done. The art of coalition building requires skills that enable understanding, cross-cultural competencies, and innovative strategizing. Join us for this student-centered workshop that aims to promote essential skills on organizing diverse communities around a unified cause. This workshop is in collaboration with Harris Student Government.
Register for Building Coalitions Across Diverse Communities
Friday, April 28 | 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Keller Center Forum Dr. Bettina Love will discuss the struggles and the possibilities of committing ourselves to an abolitionist goal of educational freedom, as opposed to reform, and moving beyond what she calls the educational survival complex. Abolitionist Teaching, as she defines, is built on the creativity, imagination, boldness, ingenuity, and rebellious spirit and methods of abolitionists to demand, and fight for an educational system where all students are thriving, not simply surviving.
Register for We Gon' Be Alright, But That Ain't Alright