Why We Fight: Gun Violence, Interventions, and the Cost of Conflict

Wed., October 26, 2022 | 6:00 PM — 8:00 PM

River Roast
315 N. LaSalle St.
Chicago, IL 60654
United States

Sponsored By: Harris Events
Harris Policy Forum


In his new book, Why We Fight, Professor Christopher Blattman discusses the roots of war and the paths to peace – not just around the globe, but right here in US cities.

Join Professor Blattman in a discussion with Dr. Chico Tillmon, Chris Patterson, and Monica Bhatt about gun violence in Chicago and the cost of conflict to our communities and society as a whole. The panel will be moderated by Evelyn J. Diaz, President of Heartland Alliance.

This event is part of the Harris Policy Forum series, which convenes leading scholars and policymakers engaged in understanding and advancing evidence-based approaches to confronting the world’s most important and complex challenges of our time.