Past Events

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Join this session to learn about the Harris School of Public Policy MA in Public Policy with Certificate in Research Methods (MACRM) and PhD programs.
Justin Marlowe
Professor Marlowe will offer a sample lecture and answer questions about the in-person, five-day, credential program which will give you a comprehensive perspective and an evidence-based approach to ESG and impact investing.
Join us to learn more about degree programs at the Harris School of Public Policy and application requirements
Join Harris Research Professor Justin Marlowe and John Oxtoby, Senior Vice President and Director of ESG Investing at Ariel Investments for a presentation on research followed by a panel discussing environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG).
Please join Director of Student Recruitment for the Harris School of Public Policy’s Evening Master’s Program (EMP), Jessica Gagle, for a virtual information session to learn more about this exciting part-time program.
This session focuses on the six-week Persuasive Writing Credential and helps you submit a confident application by the June 6th application deadline - the final deadline.