Past Events

Hear more about the 3-week SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Program for High School Students and how you can craft a standout application
john burrows
Join John Burrows, Faculty Director for the Harris Evening Master's Program, for a virtual sample class and discussion about life as a part-time student at Harris.
Keller Center (Harris School of Public Policy) and Peking University
Join the Credential Programs team to hear more about all three 2024 PKU-UChicago Summer School programs. Alumni will be there to share their perspectives too
Data analysis
Hear from Lingyang Zhang, Assistant Director of Credential Programs to learn about the academics, admissions process, and more. Join us and have your questions answered!
Students laugh together
The incoming class are invited to join us for a session on teaching assistantships
Friends laughing together
Join us to speak with current students in our Evening Master's Program to learn more about the curriculum, cohort model, and student experience.