Past Events

Students listening to talk
Join this overview session to learn about degree programs at UChicago Harris.
credential programs
The nine-week Policy Analytic Credential (PAC) Program teaches students and working professionals the foundations of how to code with R programming. Join us and have your questions answered!
Austin Wright
Learn from Professor Wright about the UChicago approach to public policy, PRIB curriculum and how these quantitative skills can further your academic and professional goals.
Join us for an Evening Master's Program class visit. The topic will be Analytical Politics, with Professor Alexander Fouirnaies.
The Harris School of Public Policy hosts in person campus visits for prospective students visiting the University of Chicago. Campus visits include coffee with a current student, a tour of the Keller Center, a class visit, and an admissions presentation.
EMP Info Session
Join the admissions team for the Harris School of Public Policy’s Evening Master’s Program (EMP) for a virtual information session to learn more about this exciting part-time program.