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Harris Public Policy MAIDP/Obama Foundation Scholars Live Chat

Harris Public Policy MAIDP/Obama Foundation Scholars Webinar

Harris Public Policy MAIDP/Obama Foundation Scholars Live Chat


Assoc. Professor Damon Jones Discusses Workplace Wellness Plans

As research by Associate Professor Damon Jones shows, workplace wellness programs don’t work well. Learn why some studies show otherwise.
Day One Podcast

How Harris Shaped Me

Harris Public Policy alumni share how Harris prepared them to make an impact.
internship stories hire harris

My Summer Internship: Analyst with the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability

Student: Drazzel Feliu, Class of 2019 Position: Summer Analyst, Center for Tax and Budget Accountability in Chicago, Illinois

Goal-Setting, Feedback, and Reminders More Than Double the Time Parents Spend Reading to their Children

Using text messages to help parents set goals for reading to their children and to remind parents of their goals can double the amount of time that  parents of Head Start children spend reading to their children using a digital library, the study finds. 
Americas Night

Harris Public Policy Announces First-of-its-Kind Cyber Policy Initiative

Harris Public Policy today announced the creation of the new Cyber Policy Initiative (CPI), a first-of-its-kind academic initiative which will advance the field of cyber policy and examine the intersection of national security, politics, and technology.
Eliza S

CLA Fellow Profile: Eliza Solowiej Makes Inroads on Chicago’s Police Accountability Task Force

CLA alum Eliza Solowiej protects the rights of everyday people with First Defense Legal Aid, a major player in criminal justice reform.