5486 total results

Harris Alumni & Admitted Students Reception: Boston Area


Inflated Tax Assessments Spurred Historic Detroit Foreclosures, Study Finds

In a new study, Professor Christopher Berry estimates that 10 percent of all foreclosures in Detroit were caused by illegally inflated property tax assessments.

Professor William Howell Discusses Why the Presidency Needs More Power

Professor William Howell argues that, though the Trump presidency may lead people to other conclusions, the best prescription for America is a stronger presidency.

Harris Public Policy Expands Leadership Programs with Civic Leadership Academy

The University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy is pleased to announce it will continue to serve as the academic home of the Civic Leadership Academy (CLA), assuming full management as of July 1, 2018. 
Day One Podcast

The Health of Nations

How do you plug a $4 billion hole in the Medicaid budget — without cutting any services?

Professor Kerwin Charles Discusses the Growing Racial Wage Gap

Research by Professor Kerwin Charles finds that a median black man’s earnings today, relative to a median white man’s, is roughly the same as his father’s and grandfather’s.