5529 total results

New Poll: Most Americans Want the Government to Combat Climate Change; Some Willing to Pay a High Amount

Sixty-one percent of Americans think climate change is a problem that the government needs to address, including 43 percent of Republicans and 80 percent of Democrats, according to a new survey from the Energy Policy Institute at UChicago.
Ryan Kellogg

Study Finds Rail’s Flexibility May Undercut Pipeline Investment Over Time

A new NBER working paper from Harris Public Policy Prof. Ryan Kellogg and his co-author at Booth find that the flexibility offered by rail has dampened investment in pipelines.

What Do We Look for in an Application?

Thanks to our Director of Recruitment, Jenny Erickson, for providing her application tips for this admissions cycle! 
Harris Public Policy Professor Steven Durlauf

Professor Steven Durlauf Discusses Corporate Incentives In Foxconn Deal

He suggests a way to look at the cost-benefit of this major new manufacturing plant in WI.

How Hard is the Math?

Thanks to Senior Team Harris Ambassador, Peter Biava (MPP'19) for this post! 

Professor Jens Ludwig and Senior Fellow Michael Nutter Argue For Federal Gun Control

Sarah Sanders said gun control can’t stop violence; here’s why she’s wrong.

Human Rights in Crisis: War, Famine and Refugees

Data Science for Social Good - Conference Recap Webinar

Get to Know Harris! San Francisco Reception

Get to Know Harris! Brunch and Workshop

Admissions Coffee Chat - Los Angeles

Admissions Coffee Chat - Los Angeles