Are there employer funding matches? Students employed in the non-profit and public sectors are eligible for a Non-Profit and Public Sector Employer Match Scholarship. Students receiving employer funding match receive that as part of their overall merit award, which is reflected in the admission letter. Aid will be disbursed over four quarters of study. Students with employer financial support, employed in the non-profit and public sectors, receiving the funding match from Harris, must provide documentation from their employers confirming the organizational status and amount of financial support at the offer/deposit deadline in the quarter in which they enroll. Students are only eligible for the employer funding match at the time of admission for the quarter in which they enroll. Students who change employers or separate from their employer during the course of study in the EMP are not eligible for retroactive funding. Students who are approved to defer their enrollment to a future term of study will be required to re-confirm their eligibility via documentation from their employer at the start of the new term. If students receiving the employer funding match from Harris change employment sectors during their course of study, the funding match may be removed. The amount of the employer funding match will not exceed $5,000. If a student’s term of study falls over two calendar years and they receive two annual disbursements of tuition assistance from their employer the amount matched will not exceed $5,000. Students eligible for the employer funding match and other match programs, like the Segal award, will not exceed $10,000 in matched funds. Students cannot exceed $5,000 per match category University of Chicago employees are not eligible for the employer funding match.