What are the masking requirements at the University?

Effective July 15, 2021, the University is updating masking requirements for fully vaccinated individuals as outlined below.  University masking requirements may evolve based on new guidance from the State of Illinois, City of Chicago, and the number of COVID-19 cases and rates of transmission, increased risk from new COVID-19 variants, or sudden clusters of COVID-19 cases on campus.

  • Indoors –
    • Fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear face coverings when indoors. People should continue to carry a face covering with them in the event it is needed when on campus or in a University facility.
    • Unvaccinated individuals are required to wear a face covering over the nose and the mouth at all times while in University buildings, with the following limited exceptions:
      • Private spaces – An unvaccinated individual may remove their face coverings if they are in a private room/office alone with the door closed.
      • Eating and Drinking – An unvaccinated individual may remove their face coverings to eat or drink so long as they maintain six feet of social distance from others.
      • Other exceptions – may apply for certain meetings, events, and programming. These will be documented and communicated for the specific situation.
  • Outdoors – As announced in May, the University has eliminated the masking requirement for people who are outdoors on campus grounds, though face coverings may still be required at certain outdoor events and programming.