What help is available to Harris students who face unexpected financial hardship?

There are two sources of funding available to students who face unexpected financial hardship: the Bursar’s Emergency Assistance Program and Harris Emergency Scholarships. Information about each program is below.

While both of these programs have been in place for years, COVID has increased the need for these programs. We are continuing to work to make more emergency funding available through multiple internal and external channels and will continue to use every lever available to provide relief to students in financial distress.

Non-Tuition Emergency Funding

The University Bursar’s Office has Emergency Assistance Programs available to help students with non-tuition needs like living and travel expenses, technology purchases related to online coursework, medical bills, or any other unexpected expenses not related to tuition. The Bursar’s Office offers a number of emergency funding types, including emergency grants, short-term loans, and advances on students’ financial aid. While the Bursar’s Office has a number of emergency funding options, there is no need to determine which program is the best fit—students complete one application and the Bursar’s Office considers the request for all applicable assistance programs. If your request is approved, you receive payment in a matter of days. We encourage you to use this resource for your non-tuition needs.