A Conversation with U.S. Senator Mark Warner

Mon., April 02, 2018 | 2:30 PM — 3:30 PM

Ida Noyes Hall, Max Palevsky Cinema
1212 E. 59th St.
Chicago, IL 60637
United States

Sponsored By: Becker Friedman Institute for Economics (BFI)

Warner Conversation

The U.S. economy is in the midst of rapid structural and technological change. The past decade has been marked by a continued decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs and a more recent increase in the number of Americans engaged in the “on demand” or “gig economy.”

With the labor market tightening and higher skilled workers in increasing demand, too many workers are still left behind. Many lack the skills or experience to be job-ready, or do not have access to jobs with the potential for advancement, raising a host of issues about the roles of government and the private sector in workforce training.

Join the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics (BFI) in welcoming U.S. Senator Mark Warner for a conversation about these and other challenges facing American workers and the U.S. economy more broadly. BFI Director Michael Greenstone, the Milton Friedman Professor in Economics and the College, will moderate the discussion.

Senator Warner has been a leading voice in Congress for bipartisan approaches to addressing the nation’s fiscal challenges. He also actively supports practical solutions to help the changing 21st century economy work better for more people through new opportunities to support workers in the gig economy and quality education and training programs for the jobs of the future.

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