Rosanwo says the skills she gained in the Evening Master’s Program apply directly to her role as an Insights and Research Director at The Harris Poll.
Headshot of Dami Rosanwo
Dami Rosanwo

Dami Rosanwo is an Insights and Research Director at The Harris Poll, advising clients on business strategies, socioeconomic trends, and policy initiatives using mixed-methods research. She stays involved in social impact work as a volunteer data analyst for state-level political candidates with Tech for Campaigns and formerly as a diversity, equity, and inclusion researcher with Hue.

“Growing up in a Nigerian household in Indiana significantly influenced my career path. The unique position I found myself in—culturally not completely African or American, and experiencing discrimination and prejudice despite having more in common with students who didn't look like me—made me acutely aware of disparities in life experiences and opportunities,” said Rosanwo. “This awareness ignited a sense of responsibility to use my advantages to help others. Now, I’d like to focus on promoting institutional reforms, combating corruption, and stimulating economic mobility and women’s empowerment in developing countries, especially in Africa. I want to use my privileges, talents, and skills to create opportunities for others in marginalized social positions.”

Initially, Rosanwo aspired to make her mark through fashion entrepreneurship. She pursued a dual degree in economics and international studies at the University of Pennsylvania to better understand global markets and develop the business skills to start an impact-focused company. “During my undergraduate coursework, I discovered I had a passion for understanding consumer behavior. That led me to shift my focus to brand strategy, which later evolved to research and data analysis for social impact work. My interest in policy stems from a passion for work that merges behavioral insights and analytics with social impact, primarily in the forms of economic empowerment, equity, and international development.”

Now at The Harris Poll, Rosanwo's research revolves around economic inequality, political migration, public safety reform, workplace equity, and other social and consumer behavior topics. She has played a pivotal role in launching the company's social impact series, including an annual report called "The State of Inequity," which examines the experiences of Employees of Color in the workplace.

“In my role, I saw the need for a policy foundation to address systemic issues. However, I didn’t want to gain that policy foundation by sacrificing my ability to participate in the impact-related work I was already doing. The Harris Evening Master’s Program [EMP] presented the ideal structure to help me achieve this goal.”

Rosanwo said the EMP’s quantitative focus on topics such as economic analysis, program evaluation, and policymaking has bolstered her toolkit when advising businesses, nonprofits, and city leaders on sociopolitical and economic development research. “My classmates in the EMP also come from very diverse professions: collaborating and networking with them has been valuable for understanding ways to effectively advocate for, evaluate, and implement development programs across sectors.”

Beyond her professional pursuits, Rosanwo is also a dedicated vocalist, having trained in vocal performance since the age of twelve. “I see clear connections between opera and policy work. My studies have made me more conscious of the power words possess and their delivery. I scrutinize policy messaging because the way policies are communicated can be their downfall or the catalyst for societal progress. Just as context, timing, tone, and diction are vital for artistic excellence as a singer, they are equally crucial in rallying support for transformative policy changes.”