Chenhao Tan

Associated Faculty


I am an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chicago. I am also affiliated with the Harris School of Public Policy. I direct the Chicago Human+AI lab. 

My main research interests include

  1. Language and social dynamics.

  2. Human-centered machine learning, how we can use machine learning to empower humans and augment human intelligence such as enhancing creativity and avoiding behavioral biases, e.g., human predictions along a spectrum between full human agency and full automationhuman preferences of task delegation to AI, and creative writing with a machine in the loop, and the meta question of what tasks humans would like to delegate to AI systems, and to what extend.

  3. Multi-community engagement, how a person interacts with multiple communities and how communities relate to each other, e.g., users' life trajectoriescommunity genealogy, and migrant integration in urbanization.

I am also broadly interested in natural language processing, computational social science, and artificial intelligence. Here is my CV.