From climate change to COVID-19, Harris research is informing both national and international policy. We rounded up recent news articles featuring contributions from Harris faculty and staff. 

California’s Hellish 2018 Wildfires Cost the US Economy $148.5 Billion

Gizmodo – December 7, 2020

Read the Article: Professor Amir Jina shares insight as to the massive economic cost from the 2018 Camp Fire in California.

Economists to Bernie Sanders: Don’t kill the relief bill over stimulus checks

CNN Business – December 7, 2020

Read the Article: Professor Bruce Meyer studied the impact of the first round of stimulus checks and weighed in on the potential impact of their absence from a new COVID-19 relief bill.

Distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccine: Let’s stop the inequality before it happens. Again.

Chicago Sun-Times – December 7, 2020

Read the Article: Dean Katherine Baicker discusses the importance of establishing a vaccine distribution system that accounts for systemic inequality.

Biden Says Trump’s Blocking of Transition Delays Pandemic Efforts

VOA – November 18, 2020

Watch the Video: Dean Katherine Baicker shares insight as to the challenges the Biden transition team is facing to their pandemic response.

Poverty rate spiked when $600 stimulus payments expired, study finds

NBC – November 18, 2020

Read the Article: Professor Bruce Meyer published a study on the increase in poverty among Americans, connecting this increase to the end of stimulus programs.