Courses That Are Closed

Non-Harris students may add themselves to waitlists in my.uchicago for courses that are full and closed.  Waitlists are processed from the day registration opens until the second week of each quarter. Waitlists are first-come, first-served, though Harris students receive priority over non-Harris students. The only way to receive a waitlist seat is through this process.  If you are offered a waitlist seat, we will email you directly with information on how to claim the seat and a deadline by which you need to enroll. If you do not claim your seat by the deadline, you will forfeit the waitlist spot and the seat will be offered to the next student on the waitlist. If you would like to informally “shop” a course while you are on the waitlist, you should reach out to the instructor directly to request permission.

If you need help adding yourself to a waitlist, please see this waitlisting guide.