
income tax
The public tends to have similar opinions of sales, property, and income taxes, and attitudes toward these taxes are closely tied to political partisanship.
The Crime Lab is trying to tackle gun violence with the Community Safety Leadership Academies - the most robust public safety leadership and management training programs ever offered in the US.
Nick Fahnders
Harris Career Development is there when they need more resources, to celebrate when they are promoted, and to strengthen career pipelines when they’re in a position to hire.
CLA cohort
The 2024 cohort joins a program that fuels an exchange of ideas across Chicago and Cook County that improves practices and civic outcomes while spurring greater collaboration and innovation across our institutions.
Hundreds of fellows have participated in the program, bringing their diverse perspectives to the table. Through their sharing of ideas and experiences, leaders across the city have grown together to help nonprofits and government agencies thrive.
stone center
The Center is homing in on the full range of individual, family, social, and political issues that cause contemporary inequalities, their consequences on how life turns out for Americans, and how these issues exacerbate immobility across generations.