
yana gallen
Using health and labor market data from Sweden, the authors study the labor market outcomes of childless Swedish women who become pregnant while using long-acting reversible contraceptives.
The Crime Lab and the Chicago Police Department (CPD) partnered to create and evaluate a behavioral science-informed training that helps improve officer decision-making in ambiguous, high-stress situations.
Chicago Public Schools saw a 35 percent reduction in arrests in school and a 15 percent reduction in out-of-school arrests for students at schools that implemented Restorative Practices.
The authors offer a dynamic model of non-democratic politics, in which repression and bad decision-making are self-reinforcing.
A photo of Konstantin Sonin
Majorities of both Democrats and Republicans have negative views of Russia’s actions during the war, but most have positive perceptions of the Russian people.
A picture of Assistant Professor Eyal Frank
Despite being stalled in Congress, a pair of studies finds the cornerstone fishing policy in the United States is doing its job: rebuilding threatened fish populations to double their size, while not holding back most fishers from making their catch.